I am getting the E1005 out of memory error after loading a series of levels.

I had asked about this error a couple years ago, and thought I beat it but it has resurfaced upon loading sometimes and I'm not sure why.

From the stats panel:

My sys_memory shows around 425MB, while my nexus is about 150MB on average, and the video memory shows at 1GB on average.

I don't believe this is a damaged file as I resaved everything. Almost all my images are .dds, and my models use bones animation, everything's being purged, ect. My computer has 3GB of virtual memory and 2GB of Ram.

So I am wondering, what accounts for the 425MB exactly? And why is this crashing the game?

I tried using bmap_load to save even more image space but that function isn't fully stable nor is the bmap_create one, it will work mostly(maybe 30 image loads) but then it will crash with some weird Directx E2000 errors or in the latter a pointer crash.

I need to know what or how to cut stuff out or dynamically reload in the game so this E1005 does not appear. All my songs and sounds are streamed through FMOD, and the BMAP pointer definitions in my script only account for about 100MB of it. So where is the rest of it coming from? Levels are loaded dynamically out of .wrs files. There is nothing else defined in my scripts but the BMAPs that would take up space.