The "stretched" colormap thing is just like using a 1024x1024 colormap and then applying a smaller dimension detailmap. It was just convienient here to use the texture I already had in entSkin1. The big colormap was rendered in Terragen.

These shots have no lightmap texture applied. I was refering to an original problem of where diffuse lighting was only getting applied to the 1st pass and the susequent blend passes did not get diffuse lighting. They would be full-on bright. Looked strange....
However, I am going to expiriment with just adding a light/shadowmap and see what happens.

Yes, it is like the old effect in that the individual textures are applied according to individual alphamaps. In this example; I render the "big skin", then use alphamaps to apply a detail texture. It could easily replace the "big skin" with other tileable textures, apply a detailmap to it, or mix and match as you see fit.

Right now I am working on some methods to up the framerate as much as possible and to also achieve the best effect I can for geForce2 type of cards.
