One important information regarding the MC server at

I am moving to a new apartment tomorrow and I am not sure when I will get telephone and Internet there, so:

I just restarted the Server, so it is in a fresh state.
Until I have internet back I ask a few things of you, not because it's server rules, but out of courtesy to your fellow players:

1. Don't go exploring, every-time you go into a region that no one was before, the whole chunks around it are loaded into server memory and will stay there indefinitely until the next server restart, which slows down the server.

2. Don't experiment with TNT, water or lava (if you KNOW what you are doing go ahead, but no experiments please. All three of them are extremely resource heavy when used.

3. No more damn minecart tracks. It not only bugs players because they get a disconnect every time they are near someone who places them, it also isn't really healthy for the server at the moment.

4. No other stupidities.

I won't be there to restart the server or fix problems, so try to play nice while I'm away.

"Sometimes JCL reminds me of Notch, but more competent" ~ Kiyaku