As written above.

I have turned an entity into a physics vehicle using car.c and simply turning the visiblilty of the wheels off.
On top of this is written a function that animates the character when banking, all that works.
When adding particles the problem occured.

I'll use an image to show the problem:

1. displays the vertex im trying to get, to place the effect.
According to the image, this should be the front of the snowboard.

2/3/4. show the particle effect as spawned ingame.

This issue here is, that when the entity is a physics entity, it will use the very first frame of the entity only to get the vertice position in the world.
When, like what im doing, the entity is animted through script, it wont use the current frame to get the vertex.

This is running under A8.03.2 commercial.

If more information is wanted, let me know, so I can provide as much detail as needed.


Formerly known as dennis_fantasy
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