
http_proxy(STRING* proxy,var port)
Sets a http proxy server for the connection to the internet. If no proxy is used, this function needs not to be called.
http_sendpost(STRING* url, STRING* data)
Sends http data with the "post" methode to a web server and returns a httpID. With this httpID the transfer can be controlled with functions like http_status. If no data has to be sent, NULL can be passed for the data string. After the post is finished, the httpID has to be freed with http_free.
http_status(var httpid)
Returns information about a http post:

2 connection problem
1 data was received
0 waiting for data from the server
-1 invalid httpid

http_result(var httpid, STRING* result)
Stores the received data of a http post in the result string and returns the length of the received data.

http_free(var httpid)
Frees the httpID of a http post and stops the transfer. Must be called after each http post.
proxy - proxy server (example: "proxy-host.com"), STRING* or char*.
port - port of the proxy servers (example: 8080).
url - url of the web server (example: "http://www.testserver.com/svlist.php"), STRING* or char*
data - string containing the data to be sent (example: "svname=gameserver&players=16&pw=yes"), STRING*, char*, or NULL.
result - STRING* to receive the result data of the http post oeration.
httpid - httpID of the post, returned by http_post().

Up to 5 http posts can be run at the same time.
All STRING* arguments can also be char* with at least 3 characters (except for http_result).
All functions return -1 if an error occured and 1 if everything went ok (except if something else is mentioned in the function description).
The plugin acknet.dll must be loaded and the file acknet.h must be included for using the ftp functions.
A7.84 P LC

that's what it says in the help manual. I don't think that includes anything we're talking about here.

"There is no problem that can't be solved with time and determination." -me
prenceofdarkness for instant messages on AIM.

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