Project name may change.

I hear you scream inside. But fear not! This is WEDPlus, an editor I had in mind to bridge the distance between WED and Lite-C. It has bothered me every time, as a programmer, to somehow make up links between level content and code through entity skills, entity actions, and using obscure and soul-cringing workarounds. Be it a group of enemy entities placed in WED that needs to end up in your enemy linkedlist somehow, or a series of stargate models that need to be connected through a space-lane in one way or another, you'll end up being forced to use entity skills (eeww) or something, I don't know, just couldn't stand it anymore. That's why I started this project.

Well, it's supposed to do exactly what I feel WED is missing, much more interaction with your Lite-C code in the build level. Add a bezier path with a push on the button for your enemies to walk on, or your spacelane to extend over. Able to modify these beziers using control points as if it were Adobe Illustrator (well not really close). Or create a list and click entities to group them to the list. Simple as that. This editor extends your levels with your scripts in an interactive way.

You create a level in WED with entities, blocks, all that, and compile to .wmb. You also start coding the game and make functions for, say, an enemy dropship to drop enemies in an awesome flight before the player's nose. So dropship in place in WED. Fly ability and Drop actions ready in lite-c, and now comes WEDPlus around the corner. Load your .wmb in the editor, add a nice bezierpath with a few clicks and tweaks to also make it roll neatly on the proper time, and you save. Now there is a code file generated that you need to include in your game code. This file contains the creation of the bezierpath at runtime as you put it in the editor, and is easily referenced from your main game code. Assign the dropship to the bezierpath and see it move over it.

Maybe, didn't dare to touch GED. But I suppose GED does not have the ability to add pieces of code by the user. I'm working on a way to script ones own plugins. The plugin config file that you script links your lite-c code to the visual part in WEDPlus. This script is not Lite-C but more of a configuration script where you tell the editor what you need for which function. Does your code require three modifiable vectors to generate an electricity triangle? Then three control-handles is what you get to see and manipulate.

Okay, maybe I'm a bit early to post :D, as I don't have too much to show yet, but it's getting near interesting results. I'd like to have your opinion on the usefulness on such an editor. Spawn ideas at heart.

Take a look for what I have so far here:

This thread shall be updated as I go.

Credits to Lukas and Sp|ke for creating LBGui! It's a relief that I don't need to create my own GUI system laugh always hated that part of gamedesign. It's pretty easy to use and adapt. So far I walked only against some minor issues, which is awesome as I always try to push the limits. Many kudo's for that!


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