Thanks Vprime laugh
I agree with all that !

I just installed Unity 3 , i haven't used it from a long time.
i made a little demo :
I done a terrain in 10 minutes (with multitexture textures),
Waving grass, trees with variable color and size.
The density , random size, with all in the interface sliders panels laugh
An character with standard 3rd personn camera and physic controller for run, walk etc ...

The best we can run the engine and game level on the editor
and add camera controllers or tweak them with sliders :
too strong workflow !

Yes that's workflow for 3D artists !

Better i made all that in my little Eepc a really tinny
and not powerfull laptop that have Nvidia Ion graphics chip
only, but it runs fine and smooth laugh

A top notch thing is that Unity delivers Mono for C# directly in the installation of Unity 3.
So you can also directly begin to program advanced things in C#.

Well, grass/tree management , with placement using random values if needed for color , density , size etc ... is really great.

I could make an Action/Rpg prototype with monsters, menus, HUD really really fast.

Yes Unity , delivers a lot for 3D artists !

Last edited by ratchet; 11/20/10 14:01.