I have nothing against you, too.
But I´ve something against untrue gibberish. wink

And, uhhhm, you´ve started talking about "real life".
My advice, to me more cool with other people and become more tolerant in your life , caus the behave in forums reflects how you do in real life.

- Find a girl, bring her at home to play , and play something
real that is not 3D game or 3D engine

- Go to a big party with great music feeling you high
- Take beers in a big latino bar with some friends
- read books on Bouddhism

Go outside and Play the real life.

For me real life and www is the same, because I´m talking to real people, not to some bots. If you´ve the impression that the www is some kind of virtuel holodeck, you really should look out for help.

no science involved