I am getting a d3d crash from the following code...I'm positive the code is functional...., as it is, extremely basic....but I don't know if it a problem with A7(what I am using) or what....my card is working normal and can display overlayed images in engine....I don;'t know...anyway, if some one can look at the following code and see if I did something stupid, or if there really is an issue....so I can report it properly.

the code should be commented enough to understand, I have a workaround implented...
#define PRAGMA_PATH "%EXE_DIR%\work";


STRING* mouse_blade = "mouse_blade.pcx";//using the string in the panel object seems to cause a crash

//work around pt 1
PANEL* panel_mouse = 
	pos_x = 0;
	pos_y = 0;
	layer = 1;
	bmap = "mouse_blade.pcx";//this works.
	//	bmap = mouse_blade;//this crashes.
	flags(SHOW | OVERLAY);

function main()
	mouse_pointer = 0;
	d3d_autotransparency = 1;
////////////////////work around pt 2
		panel_mouse.pos_x = mouse_pos.x + 1;//this is required so that buttons can be activated
		panel_mouse.pos_y = mouse_pos.y + 1;//otherwise they are obscured by the mouse panel
		mouse_mode = 4;
		//		mouse_map = mouse_blade;//causes an error.
		//		mouse_map = "mouse_blade.pcx";//causes an error.

Everybody Poops.
here are some tutorials I made.