This is great news, I hope we will have completely functional chapter 3 levels soon smile

I'll focus my comments on things that are related to me or to the project in a global sort of way.

Concerning the first thing, I must admit that I'm not sure how this concept should be approached. I find the system where I can't access the potion/player switching menu when standing near the object that can be moved a bit distracting. If we expand this also to objects that can be picked up/used it could potentially be, in my opinion, a gameplay-killer frown

The error messages I get are all connected to the use of 'linked_door' action & are creating the 'Crash in sc mtlEvent_depth: SYS' error, I guess that this is Shade-C DOF related error because it does not occur when DOF is turned off. If your problems with level changing are Sky System related then they can be ignored because the system is going to be replaced with the new one that George is coding.

As for last thing, anything that should be changed in order to enhance the functionality of the level is o.k. with me smile

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