i'm creating a splashscreen for my game and my problem is after showing the splash screen, the buttons for the menu won't work. even the mouse over or click.

here is the code:
BMAP* splashmap = "SPLASH.jpg";
BMAP* men1 = "ITEMMENU.jpg";

PANEL* splashscreen =
	bmap = splashmap;
	flags = OVERLAY | SHOW;

PANEL* logoscreen =
	layer = 2;
 	bmap = men1;
 	pos_x = 0;     
 	pos_y = 0; 
 	button (110, 180, "singleot.tga", "singleot.tga", "singleov.tga", NULL, NULL, overmenuitem);      
 	button (410, 180, "lanot.tga", "lanot.tga", "lanov.tga", NULL, NULL, overmenuitem);      
 	button (20, 260, "optot.tga", "optot.tga", "optov.tga", NULL, NULL, overmenuitem);      
 	button (530, 260, "insot.tga", "insot.tga", "insov.tga", NULL, NULL, overmenuitem);      
 	button (50, 340, "abot.tga", "abot.tga", "abov.tga", NULL, NULL, overmenuitem);      
 	button (490, 340, "exot.tga", "exot.tga", "exov.tga", NULL, NULL, overmenuitem);   
	flags = OVERLAY | SHOW;

function main()

	freeze_mode = 1;
	screen_size.x = 800;
        screen_size.y = 600;
	mouse_mode = 0;
	logoscreen.flags &= ~SHOW;
	splashscreen.pos_x = (screen_size.x - bmap_width(splashmap)) / 2; 
	splashscreen.pos_y = (screen_size.y - bmap_height(splashmap)) / 2;
	splashscreen.flags = UNTOUCHABLE | SHOW;

	splashscreen.alpha =100;
	while (splashscreen.alpha >= 0)
		  splashscreen.alpha -= 2*time_step; 
        freeze_mode = 0;
	splashscreen.flags &= ~SHOW; 
	logoscreen.flags = SHOW | OVERLAY;

my another question, is there a way on how to make fade in and out for the splash???

pls help me..thanks a lot! ^_^