Originally Posted By: Joey
the Bohr model was successfully describing the discrete energy lines of quicksilver with high accuracy... so there has to be some truth to it (and there is, namely the quantization of angular momentum and the probabilistic interpretation of quantum mechanics which give discrete energy levels).


I've once read a physics book when I was... dunno... fourteen or so.

uhm...dont get offended but you should take out your physics books from the shelf wink
too long time has elapsed

The Bohr model did not succesfully describe the energy lines of the hydrogen ( Quicksilver ? )
The model by itself does not provide any explanation for the energy levels
The quantization of the energy levels is an empirical input gained by the experience while the quantization of angular moment is a direct consequence of the quantization of the energy levels

The Schondringer's equation provided an explanation for the discrete energy levels but it has nothing to do with its probabilistic interpretation which Schondringer himself alwayes rejected

Schondringer thought that electrons were a sort of negative electicity clouds ( waves) wrapped around the nucleus
The solutions of his equation were supposed to be a measure of the density of such cloud ( waves)
However this assumption were refuted by the experience
Moreove it could not be extended to more complex atoms
Consequently Born proposed a probabilistic instead of a physical interpretation of the solution of the equation which is nowadays universally accepted

As far as our discussion was concerned
Electrons are actually particles in perpetual motion about the nucleaus even though they dont follow the Newtonian laws