This demo looks pretty, probably the best of all indie engines. The visuals are great, nice shaders, post processing and even translucency effects on some materials.

I like the presentation a lot.

The Wiki looks a bit empty though as the only source of documentation.
And this is an important point.

Technology for developers gets a lot of attention by presentation, but it gets sold only by an easy access to it. There are simply too many free options available. So there must be a possibility to get into it fast, easily and .. it might sound strange ... but I think it must happen with some affection, some fun, some love. Developers want to fall in love with their tools.

But the easiest way to achieve this is to guide them fast into it with tutorials, videos, manual and good tools. It would also help to have some very easy beginner code samples and an easy way to play with it.

Models, Textures and Games from Dexsoft