Like it have been said , the doumentation, easy access to make
your own game wil be really important.
Not only the price, C++ access are importants.

I don't know, but C4 engine have lot of special shaders also ready to use and some Voxel terrain system that you don't find on other engines, even some AAA engines.

What i find incredible is to pay for tutorials laugh ???
I hope this is user selled tutorials ?
It reminds me actual games selling , where you pay the game
, but you must pay more for Characters addon, story addon etc .... !

I hope this engine not taking this commercial way.

Things like 3rd camera script should be free
Even more why paying if some user will make that tutorial
for free ?????

The engine looks a lot like Gamecore :
Money seems to be the first priority , make money first.
For users request and problems, we will see later like Gamecore !
with only written promises and words
laugh !!!

Well only future will tell !
But i prefer to wait lot of months to see how things and community for this engines will turn ??

Well let's wait for some real demo to test it and the tools.

To answer quetsions like : does it have LOD ? does it have things or tools to help manage or make LOD ?
etc ...

And let's wait to see if commercial version is better than Unity Free edition , that allow lot of things and C# accees to the engine !

Last edited by ratchet; 01/10/11 22:37.