Originally Posted By: Machinery_Frank
Originally Posted By: JulzMighty
by avoiding big worlds or too big levels !
Wrong. Or at least, no more so than other engines.


Maybe you are right but to show this to the world it would be much better to offer a demo of a bigger world to potential customers just to prove that it can be done. Show the world that you can make huge interiors with BSP and shaders applied! Show them some terrains with tons of instances of animated grass, trees, rocks and normal mapping on terrain, show them how good the realtime shadow cast animated foliage to the ground!

It is very important to convince potential customers that way.

Probably it is not that easy like in theory. I remember that there was a video of a pacific coast demo of the Torque engine around for years but they never released it, they released a rather small hall and an empty terrain as demos in the end.
Sure, I'd gladly offer a demo if I had the time, but I'm working on a game that is intrinsically small-scale. I'm sure my next project will be bigger, but that's a long way away as I haven't even released KarBOOM 0.2 yet (though fingers crossed, it'll be out by this weekend).

The thing is, I'm experienced with A7/A8 and know its capabilities. I've done tests on enormous scales, millions of animated polys on screen at a time, complex shaders, hundreds of lights, shadow systems built for huge outdoor situations... I don't think Ratchet's claims about the capabilities of A7/A8 are substantiated by experience.


Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!