Well after some time I decided to go for a completely different approach & instead of ppe use simple toon shader. The reason for this is not only anti-aliasing (it is about 80%:) but also the fact that outline is constantly changing because it's not bounded to object but to camera view.

The problem was that my old files are all in wmb format & I didn't want to transform them to mdl's & do shadows again (too much work:) So I did the following: at the same place as the wmb file I placed the same geometry in mdl format but with one transparent texture & toon shader:) This way I preserved the original file but also added black outlining. It doesn't really have toon appearance but it has a sort of artistic-toon-like thing:) ..and turning the wmp to mdl takes about 8min which is much, much faster then what I would have to do if I was to create completely new shadowmaps:)

Here are some screens, I still haven't decided if I should go with textured or untextured geometry..

..but I will probably go with untextured rooms, they seems to be more visually interesting:)

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