Roxas had asked previously how to calculate grid movement for a tactical game (link to thread: Tactical RPG Grid Calculation ) . I took an hour to write a pretty dynamic system for that, and thought people could make use of it.
it's just a multi-dimensional array that calculates distance cost from any grid cell based on a given diameter, but it's a good start for any tactics game.

the code clamps around the edges properly.
you can use the mouse position to set a position to calculate from, and use the scrollwheel to increase/decrease the movement radius.

#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>

#define GRID_size 10
#define GRID_cellsize 32

var GridMoveSquares = 3; // stores size of movement diameter
var GridArray[GRID_size][GRID_size]; // stores size of grid

// visual debug representation variables
var current_row = 3;
var current_col = 1;

// function that resets every GRID value
function resetGrid() {
	var X_index = 0;
	var Y_index = 0;
	for(X_index=0; X_index<GRID_size; X_index++) {
		for(Y_index=0; Y_index<GRID_size; Y_index++) {
			GridArray[X_index][Y_index] = 0;

// function that visually represents the GRID data
function drawGridData() {
	var column_index = 0;
	var row_index = 0;
	for(column_index=0; column_index<GRID_size; column_index++) {
		for(row_index=0; row_index<GRID_size; row_index++) {
			if(GridArray[column_index][row_index] == 0) {
				draw_text(str_for_num(NULL, GridArray[column_index][row_index]), GRID_cellsize*column_index, GRID_cellsize*row_index, vector(255,255,255));
			} else {
				draw_text(str_for_num(NULL, GridArray[column_index][row_index]), GRID_cellsize*column_index, GRID_cellsize*row_index, vector(0,0,255));

// actually calculate the cells that can be moved on
function setMoveGrid(var row, var col) {
	var column_index = 0;
	var row_index = 0;
	var clampedIndex;
	resetGrid(); // reset
	for(column_index=GridMoveSquares; column_index>=0; column_index--) {
		// fill right hand side of column
		clampedIndex = clamp(col+column_index, 0, GRID_size-1);
		GridArray[row][clampedIndex] = column_index;
		for(row_index=GridMoveSquares; row_index>=column_index; row_index--) {
			GridArray[clamp(row+(row_index-column_index), 0, GRID_size-1)][clampedIndex] = row_index;
			GridArray[clamp(row-(row_index-column_index), 0, GRID_size-1)][clampedIndex] = row_index;
		// fill left hand side of column
		clampedIndex = clamp(col-column_index, 0, GRID_size-1);
		GridArray[row][clampedIndex] = column_index;
		for(row_index=GridMoveSquares; row_index>=column_index; row_index--) {
			GridArray[clamp(row+(row_index-column_index), 0, GRID_size-1)][clampedIndex] = row_index;
			GridArray[clamp(row-(row_index-column_index), 0, GRID_size-1)][clampedIndex] = row_index;

function getMouseInput() {
	current_row = clamp(integer(abs(mouse_pos.x) / GRID_cellsize), 0, GRID_size-1);
	current_col = clamp(integer(abs(mouse_pos.y) / GRID_cellsize), 0, GRID_size-1);
	GridMoveSquares += (mickey.z/120); GridMoveSquares = clamp(GridMoveSquares, 0, GRID_size);

function main() {
	mouse_mode = 4;
	resetGrid(); // reset GRID
	while(1) {
		setMoveGrid(current_row,current_col); // calculate new GRID data
		drawGridData(); // debug draw grid

I hope someone can make use of it, or atleast learn from it laugh


Formerly known as dennis_fantasy
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