Sorry Carlo, though that would run, but guess not. I don't have time to make it run at the moment.

Actually, after looking, the old code was written for A7 and had silly A7 template code to run, if you put the it in the GStudio7 folder it should run.

Put the Radar folder in the GStudio7 folder and it should run. I never use 3dgs templates, but I guess I did with this.

TestMiniMap.wdl is the file to run.

Hit "M" or "R" key with toggle radar and minimap stuff.

When you hit the M key, there are entities on top of buildings, thats why side view has stuff above.

Use cursor keys to move.

You know, hope it might help, but I guarantee you, nothing is ever easy even with a little minimap and radar example. I should really convert to lite-c some day though.

That is all I got man.


Professional A8.30
Spoils of War - East Coast Games