@Richi007 Das geht schon, in den Options und dann unter der Auflösungseinstellung

@3Run: I'Ve never heared of this bug. There are invisible boundries where you wouldnt except them on the level sides. You don't get damage there though, it must've been some enemy hitting you. If someone else ever had the same problem, please report!
EDIT: OpenAL is used by Anet for its voice chat feature (which i can't use currently), its not used for any sound in the game.

@Lukas: I still haven't decided on what to do with the build mode. Maybe I'll add a second server where the round time is very long and you have a lot more time (and a few more crates). triggering rounds is cool too, but you'd need a good system where all players are able to agree on the time.

Other news: I've uploaded a youtube video, you can find it in the first post or here:

Tell me if you like it. The scenes where all recorded today, I know you've had bigger buildings but I don't have footage of it.

Last edited by SchokoKeks; 01/30/11 19:28.