Wow, congratulations on that highscore, its incredible!
I also love that tower, I guess you noticed that i didn't really fix the bug that happens when you reach the level boarder wink

I'm currently rewriting the weapon system to be server-side as some people found out it is easy to cheat (no reloading and increased shoot speed). That'll take some time. I'm also changing and improving the menu: You'll be able to change some options ingame and I'll prepare it for having a server list and LAN-mode.

I've decided to change parts of the building system. I will add at least metal crates and oil barrels. You'll be be able to either blow up the oil barrels or spill the oil and ignite it at the right time to set the monsters on fire! The fire will damage wooden crates but not metal ones. Also, you will probably be able to repair metal crates because they are precious and don't drop often.

I'm thinking about changing the wave system so you can trigger waves when you are ready (likes Lukas suggested), but this will mean that crate supply will be limited. I might add this as a separate game mode, but I'm not sure yet.

Also, a sprinting system will be included, but you will only be able to sprint a very short distance during fighting phase. And I will make the spawn point of players movable, it will probably look like a flag pole.

Now the bad news: I'll have to start learning for university since there'll be several important tests soon. So progress will slow down a little. I'll be done by the end of February.
Don't expect the next big update (0.7) before the 15. of March.

EDIT: Oh and I forgot to mention that the player model got worked over by CD_Saber and has a better skin and more animations now. We're also working on the new level (for screenshot see above).

So, tell me what you think about these plans!

Last edited by SchokoKeks; 02/01/11 10:54.