Alrighty then folks, with the permission of Damocles_ I proudly announce the project Wasteland reborn!

During this first stage I will be in charge of remodeling all the 3D environments and characters that you had previously seen in the old demo, now as a lastgen videogame.

In the meanwhile Damocles_ will provide the new ideas, concepts and design for the game.

The idea is to obviously push the best out of the gamestudio engine, with the help of some of the greatest plugins this forum has to offer, like Shade-C.

What I badly need would be a programmer and an animator for the characters. If you love the game project, contact me to JOIN US!

In the meanwhile, here is a few snapshots of what's being done at the moment:

Characters dressed in "Wastewalker Armor" (their basic setup at the beginning of the game)

Progressively the various modeling stages of the "Desert Ship"

Last edited by PietroNifosi; 02/06/11 16:23.

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