just wanted to share this function I developed for fun.
Converting to any other language shouldnt be the problem.

Lets take a look at the func itself first:
Click to reveal..
static const float sqrt2_05=sqrt(2.f)*0.5f;
static const float smi=1e-4;

#define floatn float

floatn circular_sCurve(floatn x,float tau)
	float st=sign(sign(-tau)+1);
	floatn p2=step(0.5,x);
	floatn p3=abs(st-p2);
	float tau2=tau*tau;
	float remap0=tau-sqrt(1-2*tau2+tau2);
	float remap1=1-sqrt(1-tau2);
	floatn X=1-sqrt(1-x*x);
	return (abs(p3-saturate(X))+p2)*0.5;		

Input values have to be in the range 0..1 for x and -1..1 for tau.
Output lies also between 0 and 1.

Visualized function with different values for tau:

So,why do I call it 'circular'?
Imagine a simple linear function with a rise of 1 which gets 'deformed' by two 'circles' from the left and the right side of the function, respectively.
The amount of 'deformation' depends on tau. For tau=0 you get a linear function. I hope that is understandable. laugh

You can download a small Demo here where the function is drawn with a dynamic changing tau value.

And eventually the big question:
You: "What the heck is this thing good for?!"
Me: "Well, actually...I´ve no clue^^"
You: "..."
Me: " laugh "

Have fun!

Last edited by Hummel; 02/08/11 21:16.