Since it is release time, new thread... This is the HLSL version.

Water Shader for 3DGameStudio

By: Eric Hendrickson-Lambert (Steempipe)


11/08/04: Cleaned up code for release.

Note: Pixelshader1.1 & DX9.00c Runtimes needed.

It will take experimenting with
scaling, shifting, etc~ depending on
what normalmap is used. The ripple
code is still in very early stages.

-See the main WDL for loading the material effect
and the d3d_shaderversion function.

If used, credit would be nice... these take alot
of time to work out. Thanks.


Later on, the DX8 / A6.22.0 version will be released. Just gotta
make it friendly.

The d3d_shaderversion will check if your card supports better than pixelshader 1.1... if not, the Engine says "Bye". It is very rude. Approx 3.21 MB