The water looks terrific. Is there any way to change the water's cubemap so it changes along with this day night script? I have a level with nice dawn, noon, dusk, and midnight cubemaps, with the following script. I would like to tie it to the water so the whole environment changes over time.

var ticks_u_minuti = .16; // 1 min ingame time = 1 sec = 16 ticks

var minuta = 0; // starting game minutes

var sat = 17; // starting game hour

var dan = 1; // starting game day

var mjesec = 1; // starting game month

var godina = 1000; // starting game year

var dan_u_tjednu = 1; // starting day of the week

var brojac = 0;

var vrijeme1 = 0;

font standard_font = <ackfont.pcx>, 6, 9; // uncomment this if you're not using the templates

// months in a year

string 1_mjesec = "January";

string 2_mjesec = "February";

string 3_mjesec = "March";

string 4_mjesec = "April";

string 5_mjesec = "May";

string 6_mjesec = "June";

string 7_mjesec = "July";

string 8_mjesec = "August";

string 9_mjesec = "September";

string 10_mjesec = "October";

string 11_mjesec = "November";

string 12_mjesec = "December";

// days in a week

string 1_dan = "Monday";

string 2_dan = "Tuesday";

string 3_dan = "Wednesday";

string 4_dan = "Thursday";

string 5_dan = "Friday";

string 6_dan = "Saturday";

string 7_dan = "Sunday";

// temp strings

string temp_sat_str[8];

string temp_min_str[2];

string temp_dan_str;

string temp_mjesec_str;

string temp_godina_str;

string temp_day_nmb;

string day_title[2];

// string array for months

text MjesecUGodini


strings = 12;

string = 1_mjesec, 2_mjesec, 3_mjesec, 4_mjesec, 5_mjesec, 6_mjesec, 7_mjesec, 8_mjesec, 9_mjesec, 10_mjesec, 11_mjesec, 12_mjesec;


//string array for days

text DanUTjednu


strings = 7;

string = 1_dan,2_dan,3_dan,4_dan,5_dan,6_dan,7_dan;


// display date text object

text PrikaziDatum


pos_x = 20;

pos_y = 40;

font = standard_font;

strings = 1;

string = temp_dan_str;


// display clock text object

text PrikaziSat


pos_x = 20;

pos_y = 80;

font = standard_font;

strings = 1;

string = temp_sat_str;


// put this function in Main() if you want the Time Manager only

function init_time()




PrikaziSat.visible = on;

PrikaziDatum.visible = on;


// this is time calculation function

function pass_time()




// wait for the given number of ticks (16 ticks = 1 second)


// then increase minute counter by 1

minuta += 1;

IF (minuta > 59)

{ // if one hour has passed

minuta = 0;

sat += 1;


if (sat > 23)

{ // ome day has passed

sat = 0;

dan += 1;

dan_u_tjednu += 1;


if (dan_u_tjednu > 7)

{ // we check the day of the week, if the number is bigger than 7 then it's Monday again

dan_u_tjednu = 1;


// we check what month it is

if ((mjesec == 1) || (mjesec == 3) || (mjesec == 5) || (mjesec == 7) || (mjesec == 8) || (mjesec == 10) || (mjesec == 12))


brojac = 31;


if ((mjesec == 4) || (mjesec == 6) || (mjesec == 9) || (mjesec == 11))


brojac = 30;


// if it's February

if (mjesec == 2)


brojac = 28;


if (dan > brojac)

{ // one month has passed

dan = 1;

mjesec += 1;


if (mjesec > 12)

{ // one year has passed

godina += 1;

mjesec = 1;


// date check

if (dan == 1)


str_cpy(day_title, "st");


if (dan == 2)


str_cpy(day_title, "nd");


if (dan == 3)


str_cpy(day_title, "rd");


if (dan >= 4)


str_cpy(day_title, "th");




// this function creates the apropriate panels for time/date panels

function get_datetime()




// date panel

str_cpy(temp_dan_str, DanUTjednu.string[dan - 1]);

str_cpy(temp_mjesec_str, MjesecUGodini.string[mjesec - 1]);



str_cat(temp_dan_str, " ");

str_cat(temp_dan_str, temp_day_nmb);

str_cat(temp_dan_str, day_title);

str_cat(temp_dan_str, ", ");

str_cat(temp_dan_str, temp_mjesec_str);

str_cat(temp_dan_str, ", ");

str_cat(temp_dan_str, temp_godina_str);

str_cat(temp_dan_str, " NR");

// clock panel

str_for_num(temp_sat_str, sat);

str_cat(temp_sat_str, " : ");


str_cat(temp_sat_str, temp_min_str);





// Day/Night change

sky jutro // this is the noon skycube
type = <Sky_MexicaNoon+6.tga>;
flags = cube,visible;
layer = 1;
flags = cube, visible, transparent;
alpha = 100;
layer = 2;

sky sumrak // this is the sunset skycube
type = <Sky_MexicaSunset+6.tga>;
flags = cube,visible;
layer = 1;
flags = cube, visible, transparent;
alpha = 100;
layer = 2;

sky noc // night skycube
type = <Sky_MexicaMidnight+6.tga>;
flags = cube,visible;
layer = 1;
flags = cube, visible, transparent;
alpha = 100;
layer = 2;

sky podne // morning skycube
type = <Sky_MexicaDawn+6.tga>;
flags = cube,visible;
layer = 1;
flags = cube, visible, transparent;
alpha = 100;
layer = 2;

// state vars

var dan_ili_noc = 1; // 0 - Night, 1 - Noon, 3 - Sunset, 4 - Morning, 0.5 - transition

// noon to sunset transition function

function podne_u_sumrak(duration)


var trans;

if(dan_ili_noc != 1) { return(-1); }

sumrak.visible = on;

if(duration > 0)


dan_ili_noc = 0.5;

trans = duration;

while(trans > 0)


jutro.alpha = 100*(trans/duration);

trans -= time;



dan_ili_noc = 3;


jutro.alpha = 0;

jutro.visible = off;


// sunset to night transition function

function sumrak_u_noc(duration)


var trans;

if(dan_ili_noc != 3) { return(-1); }

noc.visible = on;

if(duration > 0)


dan_ili_noc = 0.5;

trans = duration;

while(trans > 0)


sumrak.alpha = 100*(trans/duration);

trans -= time;



dan_ili_noc = 0;


sumrak.alpha = 0;

sumrak.visible = off;


//night to morning transition function

function noc_u_zoru(duration)


var trans;

if(dan_ili_noc != 0) { return(-1); }

podne.visible = on;

if(duration > 0)


dan_ili_noc = 0.5;

trans = duration;

while(trans > 0)


noc.alpha = 100*(trans/duration);

trans -= time;



dan_ili_noc = 4;


noc.alpha = 0;

noc.visible = off;


// morning to noon transition function

function zora_u_podne(duration)


var trans;

if(dan_ili_noc != 4) { return(-1); }

jutro.visible = on; //

if(duration > 0)


dan_ili_noc = 0.5; // transition flag

trans = 0;

while(trans < duration)


jutro.alpha = 100 * (trans/duration);

trans += time;



dan_ili_noc = 1; //


jutro.alpha = 100;

podne.visible = off;


// state changing function, put this into the Main() function if you want the Day/Night Manager only

function change_sky()




if (sat == 5) // if it's 6 AM then change the sky from night to morning


noc_u_zoru(128 * ticks_u_minuti); // change the number 16 to a higher number if you want a longer transition


if (sat == 11) // if it's 12 PM then change the sky from morning to noon


zora_u_podne(128 * ticks_u_minuti);


if (sat == 17) // if it's 6 PM then change the sky from noon to sunset


podne_u_sumrak(128 * ticks_u_minuti);


if (sat == 19) // if it's 8 PM then change the sky from sunset to night


sumrak_u_noc(128 * ticks_u_minuti);





// put this function in your main() function if you want both features

function daytime_manager()



