Well Sony wishes a lot to have enought partners ship to
RE SELL all sony PSP games and perhaps emulated PSONE games on lot of handled.

I think it's their main goal, to put their new Store for games
and try to compete with Apple.

But i don't think they will success if they don't put prices as low as Iphone ones. For example Dungeon Hunter 2, Sacred Odissey etc ... are quality games for really low price.

Well let's see what will happen, but i really think only the PSP 2 (NGP) will perhaps success from Sony hardware.

Caus there is lot of competition coming in mobile platforms :
ipad 2 , Iphone/itouch 5 , Galaxy 2, new tablets ...

Well this partner ship with Unity is interesting and shows that Unity is really recognised as THE INDIE DEV KIT
to make games.
Indeed, lot of others engine target programming first instead
of workflow and make life easy for people making games.
The iphone support is what really brought Unity on top !

For A8, well the people target is lot more programmer so no chance for Sony partner ship. And Unity have shown that lot of people using it , have made lot of quality games on Iphone also, that's the main reason for Sony wanting this partner ship laugh