Ok i could dowload it with the new link laugh

Well very very good. Very good use of 3DGS.
I presume the garage level is made of BSP ?
I think you could gain frame rate by usig models and lightmaps no ?

Well , i just give you design critics, my own ones !
I'm not some pro level maker laugh

- Red girl sprite : it is too much visible it is a sprite seeing the straight cut on the bottom of the prite :
Use alpah and make some gradient to make it blend more naturally on the wall

- Outdoor, the cut sema between grass and gravel is too visible : put a line of stone or bricks to hide it !

-The HAlo car strange , even tires don't match laugh

- Why not using some shader on cars , to make them better, their flat painting make them pop up from the level !
PErhaps just bring down their luminosity of their texture to match the level lightening ?

-Same thing for crates :
lower their brightness, and bake some shadows on their texture.

Well i know you don't use normal map shaders with spot lights that could solve all these lightening issues, but by using
smart textures and good brightness it can look great !

I have tested it on my Eepc : at HDMI resolution (yes my Eepc have an HDMI port) : 1680*1050
I have not put HDR , and the game runs really great !
Not smooth but great, even more for a game made with A8 laugh !

You could make a longer garage level having depth like several
floors under the ground ? or longer ?
By using region detection code you can optimise the game also ! Or clever LOD on the cars !

Great game !
Keep it up !