Hey Damocles thanks, I'm gonna have a look at it right away!
I'm assuming this code is done in c-script, it would have been great if it was lite-c instead. But I'll worry about that later.
Right now I'm exporting characters along with their animations, this has taken me quite some time, trying to understand, manually fix and import bvh mocaps into 3dsmax. It's been a pain but i'm almost there.

As for the scenario, I'm still on hold. I can't get a decent looking terrain with my current "betatester shade-c version" (havoc said he was almost done writing the documentation files and send us a new updated version, but it's been a week already and i got nothing yet doh!).
And for obvious reasons I can't keep on adding elements (like rocks, or desert plants, etc etc) to a terrain that i can't even display correctly yet, thus I wouldn't be able to judge if they all match in style.

So I'm waiting on that, and doing other stuff in the meanwhile.

Last edited by PietroNifosi; 02/26/11 15:19.

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