
oh, theres also alot of subtle shaders being used in the screenshots that i want to point out, in case most wont notice them, as said, a good scene isnt about how one thing stands out, but how it all works together, so i think am seeing [feel free to correct me havoc]:
- refraction shader at the vents ?
- luminance mapping used for the lights ?
- dynamic lights? dynamic shadows? Ambient Occlusion ?
- environment mapping ? [noticed it on estinguishers]
- velvety effect on character skin ?
- and ofcourse hdr and dof
? am seeing some grains in the walls, i would love to assume its detail mapping but i assume its just a part of the texture right ?

Everything correct, except the detail mapping. This is "just" dexsoft texture quality laugh

one question though, you didnt happen to get your volumetric fog working for shapes other than spheres did you ?

Nope, not yet. Was mainly working on the lighting pipeline the last few months. There's a new animated soft-sprite-based fog though which works quite nice.

I'm assuming that at this stage of Shade-C i won't be needing this SSAO extra plugin http://www.opserver.de/ubb7/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=354503&page=1 (shade-c has his own ssao now am i right?)

Yes, SSAO is implemented. Using Shade-C's ssao together with HeelX ssao is possible, but not recommended due to performance reasons when it comes to depthmap rendering. I might write a wrapper for HeelX version in the future which removes these issues, but don't count on it.

is shade-c still for free? I mean with credits or something? I wasn't on the forum for a long time.

The version available to the public is still and will always be free. Shade-C EVO will have a free version, too, once it's finished, but it won't have all features or will be time limited. Haven't thought about that too much yet. Will do that once Shade-C EVO is v. 1.0 wink

Hey Boh_Havoc, you made such an amazing level. I would like to show some of your images in our users galery if you dont mind.

Sure thing! Go ahead! laugh

In other news:
The manual is almost finished. However Germanunkol noticed a memory leak in CSiS (using the newest Shade-C version) which might have something to do with Shade-C. I'll make sure to fix the leak if there is one, and after that the new beta will be ready. I'm guessing 3-6 days (?)

Shade-C EVO Lite-C Shader Framework