The Game resized my Desktop, to be widescreen. While mutliple games have done that, I note it here because the radar seems like it was affected by it? The little dots representing objects

What resolution is your desktop running? And what res is the game running? And did it resize your actual desktop resolution or just the games to be widescreen? Is your monitor widescreen? A couple users reported their radar wasn't fully accurate, this is due to resolution/math errors. tongue

I got really confused with all the weapons.

Yeah this has been mentioned a few times. I'll add numbers and even possibly names to make things easier.

.... suddendly the game crashed !
Its alot of fun ! I will buy it !!!

Sorry about the crashes online. I will fix these. Hope you purchase, I appreciate the support! laugh

I was only able to host when entering my IP manually as static IP. There was still visible lag although we both came from germany.

I plan to tackle the lag a bit better as my dead-reckoning sucks right now. Just never had time to look into it. As for the IP, that is odd that you can't connect. The game should forward ports automatically to the static IP given through server_ip. And it retrieves your internet IP through this website.


Can you go to this website and let me know if the IP given there is the exact same as the one you entered manually? If it is, it could just be a string error on my side. Also, did your firewall allow access to Silas.exe? I really want to figure this connection issues out. I'm using native A8 Enet. Although I make use of Anet for it's UDP(LAN sniffing) and HTTP functions(like retrieving an IP).

I never had an issue with someone connecting to my server... so I'm a bit confused. How do you go about retrieving your IP in Survive?

I found the camera to be restrained to much, as Damocles (?) said. Try the UT2004 method, at least for the fighting oriented modes!

I will be looking into this after I fix the online functionality bugs. As I've noticed there are quite a few crashes and the such with online. As well, expect some sort of messaging board in-game alongside other stats like who's online ect. To make it easier for people to meet through game. And I will include a text log too for the next beta(so I can find problem areas easily).

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