There is no need to feel insulted. It also does not make sense to call other people Emo only because you dont like critics. Telling other people Emo also tells us a lot about your age.

But a fact is that you did not understand. Of course there is zero problem with a post-apocalyptic setting as much as there is no problem with medieval games, orcs or whatever you posted to defend your stand.

The point I made was that you showed this ancient old television, just like Fallout uses this ancient old radio. Both are still using these electric tubes instead of transistors. Both use the same alternative reality.

And even if you dont care about our comments you can be be sure that million people out there will draw the same conclusions, will come to the same points when you make it public, even if you say otherwise. They will not care how you defend your position.

The business point of view I mentioned was not to call it a copy nor a rip-off. It is no problem to make something similar just like I see no problem to make another orc or another female archer, another castle, another medieval hut. The problem is: I could make a medieval house that looks same quality as any other medieval house. So customers can compare and can say: looks professional. You probably can do that too.

But when I make a complete project like Oblivion then they will compare me with Oblivion, they compare me with a team of hundreds of people. And in this case I will lose, I cant compete with them. That is what Mercuryus wants to tell you and he is no Emo for that, he is helpful.
Of course your project is different, you probably want to make something like a RTS in a post apocalyptic environment. Go for it, we have no problem with a project like this.
But when you post it then you might get critics or you get ideas, thoughts and other posts. When you don't like it then you should not post.

But: all game designers who were not able to listen to other people, who said that they will do it no matter what publishers, fans or friends were saying, all these designers failed in the end. So really: it is better to stay open-minded, to listen and to embrace ideas and critics as a positive influence.

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