I think it'd be very useful to be able to use non-ellipsoid collision shapes without having to use PhysX. As nice as PhysX is, its license means I'm not inclined to use it unless I actually want proper physics simulation (which is yet to be the case).

Capsules and cylinders, for example, would both be more suitable for humanoid actor movement than ellipsoids, with the latter having many other applications (wheels, barrels, flying discs, etc). And an oriented box would be useful in many cases as well -- for doors, crates, and other props that may be moved around the environment without need for proper physics simulation.

It'd be really cool if each entity had a collision mode where we could choose if it's a capsule, cylinder, box or ellipsoid, the parameters of which could be manipulated using max_x/min_x, and if c_trace with USE_BOX could use these shapes as well laugh

Thanks for reading,


Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!