Originally Posted By: jcl
Again, I need an example where a cylinder is really required.

How many more examples do you need, though? Haven't we made it clear that ellipsoids do not serve our purposes or give us the behavior we want? We don't want objects to "climb" things when the edge of their collision hull hits them, and we don't want objects to "slide off" of platforms when they get close to the edge. We don't want the "USE_BOX" flag to behave like a "USE_ORB" flag.

I've already given you the example with the window in the "AABB support" thread, and Superku has already demonstrated his problem with a multitude of images and examples. For my problem, your solution was to place an invisible block over the hole, but that's more of a quick fix than a real solution to the problem. The collision system is still prone to errors like that.

We want to be able to use collision hulls with perfectly flat bottoms and perfectly vertical sides that match the vertical depth of the model that the hull is attached to, because that's exactly what we need.

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