Argh, sorry, didn't saw your edit:

While I begin to understand your argument, it seems to be extremely misplaced in this thread. Because there is not a single one "wannabe expert"-opinion. The usual post here is "Last thing I've read is *THAT*". This is not even an opinion. That's just stating the latest news for the rest.

Damn, sorry, no I didn't wanted to say that this thread is full of them, but that around me everyone behaves like a expert (my second post). It got so annoying that I made the third post with the wish that this god damn reactor should explode right now (which possibly derailed the thread, but it was interesting and refreshing because it wasn't the same again and again).

Edit: Great, german, article:
(Ich geb denen mal den entsprechenden vertrauensvorschuss und glaub denen was da steht)

Last edited by JustSid; 03/12/11 18:30.

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