What I'll never get is the logic behind religious fanatics like that girl. Well let's keep out the whole thing of the belief in God in the first place and if it's the god described in the bible. I mean she has to seriously think that after prayers to open to the eyes atheists god steps up, creates an earthquake and devastates whole countrysides. How can anyone in his right mind come to such a conclusion? I don't really know how to comment such "arguments" as they are so outright stupid...

BTW are there any real news about what's happening in Japan yet? When I watch TV I've the feeling that the same experts get shown again and again who try to tell something with having a pretty much non-existant information base for what they describe. I still hope for a not so super "Super GAU" and that some cesium & stuff will be it (that's still bad but with a half-life of about 30 years it's an okayish outcome for such a terrible accident)...

Last edited by Toast; 03/14/11 19:11.