Personally, I dont think the mac market is big enough to justify conitec doing the work. Im not saying its not there, just that its not justifiable. Im not here to refute that there is a mac market. I *know* there is one. I have a mac (G3 iBook) and i have torque, and have used it on it.

I think conitec is going the right route, work towards being portable, without going out of their way in doing so. Spliting things so that switching to opengl, and changing other parts can be done without impact (as much) to the rest.

While the toolset (WED,SED,MED) cant quite just be ported by changing to opengl (hello? MFC for the mac? I think we need to rewrite the GUI part, unless its done in something like wxWidgets). I know there are dev enviroments that wrapper common windows libs to make porting easier, but they cost money, and are slower in comparison to a true port.

Personally, I would rather see a renderless server version for linux then i would a mac port any way. Im sure that would require *a lot* less time and effort for them then trying to port the engine, tools, etc over to OSX/Carbon/OpenGL/OpenAL/etc.

Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience