hmm good questions.

well as far as its scripting side i found every drop of source code almost immediately. when you open the torque toolbox there is a button that says "edit source"...or aside from that you can use torsion. when you click it it prompts you for visual studio 2005 or 2008 and then BAM grin! all the source your heart can desire!

as far as documentation for the might be on your own for that...i havent found any as well...BUT theres plenty of help and a realy responsive community(on par with 3dgs).

"-Is Scripting allowing to do anything as A8 allow laugh ???" - not sure...havent played with A8... but since it is a c++ based engine id assume everything and more :D(and torque script is pretty versatile).

"What format can be imported for animated models for indie people that can't afford such high price thing like 3DSMAX ? (Blender, FBX, Collada ?) " - it accepts collada and ive heard talk that it accepts blender(?) but dont quote me on fbx though frown...sad day.

"How to do or import easily a lightmap ? from what modeler ? Blender ? " hmm a lightmap? why would you want to shocked? lol just kidding. in the material editor there is a specific place for light maps. so a lightmap can be applied to a specific material laugh. but for the most part the engine produsses realtime PSSM shadows...even for foliage(takes alittle extra tinkering).

"What is the lightening, does it have standard shaders and how do they interact with lightening of the scene ? " - standard shaders and more. SSAO, HDR, edge AA, Light Rays, and DoF(+other pp effects) are all standard and can be turned on from the beginning. everything interacts with the scene dynamicly and in real time. no shadows have to be baked ahead of time, but ofcourse you can do so laugh...and lights are updated automatically.

oh and you mentioned has its own gui editor built in. its pretty nifty.and im working on a demo with all the things youve mentioned laugh and its...i wont say way easy...but it is easy. lets put it this way. with 3dgs it would take atleast hmmm...2 times as long to finish what i have so far and get it to look the way it does.


and keep the questions coming grin ill answer until i run out of answers tongue

-Initiate Games
-Level designer