"Alpha and Beta radiation, for example, are quite harmless"

...unless the source is ingested or inhaled, in which case they become extremely dangerous.
(Iīve quoted wiki here, because sometimes I canīt express my thoughts in english.)

Guess why they are wearing those suits and a gas mask - itīs not about gamma.


But isn't radiation all around us in the nature as well? As far as I have read they even use radiation to "mark" the gulf stream to measure it's movement. And what about the radiation coming from cole mining?

Yes, and we canīt do anything against the natural radiation.
Afaik itīs about 2-2,5 mSv per year here in germany.

The radiation of colemines and old coal-fired power stations is quite large.
In the long way we need a switch to renewable energy.

But we canīt compare natural isotopes with man-made, enriched isotopes that are
coming out of a containment with a propably half melted core when it comes to half-life and impact.


Let's just hope for the best and donate as much as possible.


Last edited by fogman; 03/21/11 19:17.

no science involved