ORANGE BRAT: - This one NEEDS 6.31 or better. If the DX8 one works for you, use that, its the same shader. I just rejigged it to work with DX9.

DREW: Glad it was some help.

Anyone who knows about shaders: Ok, this shader works well for models but i also want to use it for view models (ie in the camera view - you know... the weapon arm and so forth.) Problem is, i cant quite figure out how you translate the sun position to the view. Using this shader, the views highlight is always in the same place no matter which way the view is facing - Can any one help with that?

Now im going back to drool over halflife 2... The Game is brilliance plus, but Steam.... well.... what a farce.


Last edited by SingleCell; 11/19/04 13:12.