This is the anything goes forum correct? Ok. I posted this but it vanished not sure if someone deleted it or I goofed somehow. Here's me trying again.

Does anyone have any experience bringng models from the free version of SketchUp to 3DGS? I just downloaded it to try to get back into 3D. The workflow seems straight forward. I was thinking if I produce anything useful I might try to make it available here in mdl format. I haven't touched 3DGS in a couple years so there is a knowledge disconnect now but I still hang around the forum.

I imagine there might be issues of what format to export from/to, mapping, texture size or some other issues so if someone has experience Sketchup>3DGS and wouldn't mind sharing it that would be great.

Last edited by bupaje; 03/26/11 20:49.

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