What i don't understand is why in forecast there is lot more complicated things like :
Cloth simulation. Liquids. Soft bodies.
Instead of more simpler things like new collision primitives ?

I htink the best way is to implement yourself the Nvidia Physix collision shapes you need !
You'll nerver be as well served as by yourselves laugh

What would be cool is tyhe advanced character controller :
Nvidia features page

But again if you are a programmer, i would want to say :
make it by yourself if the feature is not in forecast
or if you don't want to wait months too longer laugh

It's a rule , that follow some people using Ogre 3D, tehy have the graphic engine, they implement the physic API they want and the features they want, and finnaly they make the game successfully !

Last edited by ratchet; 03/28/11 08:54.