Originally Posted By: Slin
I just canīt get what you would need that for. As if the current one plus basicly any shape using physx would not be enough. Most other engines (for example Unity and ShiVa) do only have the ones supported by the physics engine and no one really complains.
There are much more important things for Gamestudio than collision shapes, so better learn coding, to do at least some things on your own. I btw really doubt that an AABB box would instantly solve all your problems and that the old system is gone without good reason...

Did you read Jibb's thread on the matter?

We need AABBs and/or cylinders because they have flat sides and flat bottoms. When you trace with an ellipsoid, you tend to get all kinds of crazy surface normals and data that's simply inaccurate. Ellipsoids just don't work for a number of game genres, specifically first person shooters.

physX is nice, but doesn't offer enough control for people who want to create proper actor movement, among other things.

Anyway, if ellipsoids are so great, why doesn't every other game engine in the world use them? Actually, why is Gamestudio the only game engine that uses them? Obviously they're not good for much. Last I checked, Unreal engine uses cylinders and id Tech uses AABBs. And they use them for a reason...

Last edited by Redeemer; 03/28/11 20:25.

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