Wow! The Shade-C shaders are soo awesome!
You don't know how much help this is for a shader noob like me.
And I'm sure that almost every one that uses shade-c thinks the same.

Here are 2 screenshots of the menu-scene of one of my projects,
At one of them I just disabled shade-c; no other changes!
(that's also for those, who say '3DGS is sh**. You cant get good graphics with it')

Click to reveal..

with shade-c:

joke tongue (that was without shade-c)

with shade-c cool :

Click here for full resolution

You can see, if you've got some awesome shaders, know how to use them and take your time at configuring them the results can be pretty nice. wink

I'm really happy with shade-c (and its free!!), but I have got still some problems with it...

The worst thing is that I can't use Normal-Mapping with Sun and Dynamic lights at the same time. Has anyone an idea why?

I've got also a problem with the water. Thats not the most important thing but it looks so nice and I could really need a watershader like that.
The problem is that the water has got a kind of "zoom" effect when the camera gets nearer to it. What happens is that the refracted picture gets smaller if the camera moves toward it and the pixels at the edge of the refraction are stretched.

You can see it here on the right side:
Click to reveal..

and if I try the "old" water shader (I think it was v0.9) theres already another problem:
Some vertex-points change their z-position for one frame which looks like a grid. it took > 150 screenshots to get this pic:

Click to reveal..

And another little thing.

I already did this when I downloaded shade-c the first time.
But I'm using an edited version of the shade-c logo which fits more to the style of the game.

Do I have to use the original one, or is mine also ok?

sorry for crappy english skills,
Kartoffel smile

POTATO-MAN saves the day! - Random