This is a very, very good work:) I am impressed with the number of the graphical aspects you are able to do & in what quality:) This is a good example of how things can look when talented artist is creating the game's visual assets.

The canyon approach seems to be much better then the open plane concept, it's visually more interesting environment & can be great if optimization is needed.

Also DOF effect is implemented incredibly good, you’re using Shade-C DOF right? Could you maybe help me out, I have tweaked DOF very nicely in the platform parts of the project that I'm working on (J,J&BUM) but I can't seem to make it work in the open-terrain levels:( What size is your level, what are proportions approximately? If it's not a problem & if you have time, could you perhaps share your DOF parameters or, if you have modified the code in some manner, maybe the DOF c & h scripts?

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