My eldest brother works at a company called L&D Mail Masters which specializes in mass mailing. Naturally the company, internally, has only a few components, mainly: the salespeople, and the IT group. My brother is a part of the latter end.

The company is headed by a woman who, while a good saleswoman, is sadly below average when it comes to technology, which is for all intents and purposes the life-blood of the company. Nevertheless she considers herself an expert. Dangerous combination.

Moving on.

My brother is a part of a project that is revamping their print system, a process his boss neither appreciates nor understands. Sadly, though, any real changes he makes must be passed through her, so in a meeting called by my older brother, he managed to rally all of his colleagues to explain the situation as best as possible so they could make the necessary changes.

Brother & company: "Well, first of all, we're getting tons of warnings and error messages in the log file here."
"None of them are directly related to our real problem, but they are all problems in and of themselves and, for the most part, share a common source."
"These issues show that the system requires a major upgrade, or eventually it could stop functioning altogether."

Boss: "Well, why don't we just delete these warnings from the log file?"

Eats commas for breakfast.

Play Barony: Cursed Edition!