Currently I have, thanks to all that have helped me, code that enables me to rotate an entity via LMB click-drag. Here's the code I am using:

action rotate()
		if (mouse_left){
			my.pan += mouse_force.x;	
			my.tilt += mouse_force.y;

Now what I would like to do is add a means to click some buttons and go to a particular view of that model. In other words, I would like to have buttons that read:

- front
- back
- side
- top
- Bottom

So I would need five buttons and clicking on one would snap the model to that view.

I think this could be done in two ways:

Moving the actual model

In this, the code would instantly rotate the model to face the camera depending on which button was pressed.

Setting up 5 cameras/positions and moving to the appropriate view

In this, a click on a button would switch the view to a preset camera/position. I would set up five cameras (front, back, side, top and bottom) and clicking the back button, for example, would switch to that position.

Now, I have the base idea, but am lost about how to implement it. Does anyone have any pointers?

Thanks in advance.


Doing it via the camera/position is preferred now that I think about it, though doing it both ways would teach me more.

Thanks again.

Last edited by RealSerious3D; 04/17/11 16:03.