Sooo, again, my project Lite Foundation... But this time, its completely rewritten from scratch to be way more easy to use and better extendable. The single parts that make up the whole packet are better separated and everything should be much more accessible.
Long story short; Everything is better than ever, although incompatible with the older versions... sorry about that.

If you are new to Lite Foundation, let me give you a short overview:
Lite Foundation is written in C with the purpose to extend C with the concept of classes, delegated protocols and all this fancy object oriented stuff, all in a way that allows it to easily create class instances and classes. It also introduces a reference counting environment on top of the classes system, this means that you don't have to bother with the "when to free what" question anymore!
Every class instance has a reference counter, the so called retain count. You can retain and release instances. Retaining is like telling Lite Foundation "Hey, I want this object, please don't free it", it will increment the retain count by one. Releasing is like telling "Alright, thanks for holding this object in memory, but you can free it now!", it will decrement the counter by one.
If the retain count of an object hits zero, Lite Foundation will take care of freeing its memory so you can work headache free with memory allocations!

Of course, just having this is doesn't help much as one had to implement every class that one is interested in, thus Lite Foundation also has a standard library with common used classes that you can use right away in any project.

Now remark: This is just a "beta" release so that you can play with it and give me feedback, only a fraction of the standard library is currently implemented as it was not my main focus for this release. But there will come a lot more in the future! Also; The runtime code might be subject to change, I'll try my best to not break anything.

Currently implemented is a very powerful string class (way more powerful than Lite-C STRING object), a scanner class that can be used to parse/scan through strings, a autorelease pool class and a character set class (which is used by strings and scanners).
This is imo enough to give you a taste of what is possible and what might come in the future!

The current release also contains a getting started guide that introduces you to everything you need to know about Lite Foundation and a runtime documentation which helps you to understand how Lite Foundation works internally and how to extend it.
There are also two examples on how to use strings and scanners plus a reference that documents every function, struct and type that comes with Lite Foundation.

As always, everything is released under the MIT license!
You can grab your copy here (always the latest version)
Or just read the reference, or the Getting Started guide, or the Runtime Guide.

If you have any questions, please aks! I'm not good at explaining and Lite Foundation is probably a bit more complicated than the normal Gamestudio stuff. I tried my best to make the beginning as easy as possible, but if I forgot to cover a part that you don't understand: Ask!
I'm open for C&C, feature requests, enhancement requests etc.

Shitlord by trade and passion. Graphics programmer at Laminar Research.
I write blog posts at