You are welcome laugh

Btw, the next version is ready, it includes the new LFArray class which is, surprise, a class that maintains a ordered collection of objects.
The problem with arrays is; They are slow! Random deletion and insertion has, in the worst case, the effect that the functions needs to iterate through the whole array multiple times. It also needs to check its content for double entries and such.

I have two screenshots from my profiler to demonstrate the difference between the LFArray class and the LFSet class:

Inserting and deleting 10024 random items in and from a LFArray takes around 1970 ms!

Inserting and deleting the same amount of items from a LFSet takes just 13 ms!

Those numbers are from a very old iMac with a 2Ghz CPU, the test binary was built as x86 Intel binary with no compiler optimizations.

You can download the new version using the links from the previous posts.

Shitlord by trade and passion. Graphics programmer at Laminar Research.
I write blog posts at