
No, seriously - I think the following:
Antwort auf:

bmap box = <box1.tga>;

material spec_bump_model //assaign all models this material in script
skin2 = box;
flags = tangent;

gives you problems because this way, you assign a second skin to the material, not the model that uses the material. As far as I'm concerned, the shader needs the model to have the skin, not the material. Thus this is what you do, basically:
1. - Open your Model
2. - Open the skin editor
3. - Import you basic model skin (has to be TGA with alpha)
4. - Add a new skin
(Edit -> Add new skin just in case this is confusing...)
5. - Click
Next Skin and import your normalmap
6. - Save and have a try

Hope that helps!

Formerly known as The Matrix - ICQ 170408644 I've been here for much longer than most people think. So where's my "Expert" status?