Okay...at first I was wondering why i didnt post here already as this seemed pretty familiar, but then it came back to me...

I gotta say - I'm sorry - in advance; i usually don't like people bitching about manuals if they dont understand it, but...
your documentation is total crap.
It has several grammatical mistakes, uses _really_ unusual vocabulary, doesnt seem to have any strcture, jumps from informal crap ("It does exactly what it says;" and afterwards you tell me what it really does?) to complete jibberish ("This is useful to provide one way to achieve a result, without knowing the targets." ????) - its just written awfully.
Returns the string and delegating its ownerhship to the caller.
! This forbidden as the function signals that it doesn't delegate the
! ownership to the caller!

delegate? ownership? What the...!!??

...the doxygen is fine...

Alright...sorry for the little outburst - and to the point:
I think I can finally grasp the concept and I gotta say - I really like the idea. Nevertheless I just dont know why to use it as it is now. I got to work with (visual) c++ anyway...also beacuse theres just no way to do a serious project in SED.
Also i dont get why someone who writes in C and needs classes would use LiteFoundation instead of C++ (or objective-c) as it seems to be pretty invasive not really worth the effort (but maybe thats just me)

Something like a pre-compiler that lets you write C++ syntax (classes, inheritance and stuff...) and translates it into Lite-C would be cool...dunno if someone already did this or if its even possible - just an idea that might get some more feedback

so long