Originally Posted By: JustSid
No, what I'm wondering about is, why did you continue?

My second post was to clarify why I wrote the first post, the last question ("Are you a troll?") was serious because he already started with the caps and made a lot of false claims and interpreted things into my words that were just stupid.

Does this mean that you didn't recognise that ratchet already was deeply hurt by your first statement?

To me that was obvious, and I consider taking words of someone literally
who is in rage and sad about the critics is like putting
a knife into his wounds and turn it around.

I agree with lostclimate that 7 days is quite harsh.
And Sid had his inappropriate part, too.

There is no need to argue when you see that you already hurt someone.
The appropriate reaction in this case is to leave it as it is,
and to give the criticised person time to calm down
and to get an eased view on the critic
- even, if it lasts some months or more.

Ah, and talking about meanings of the word 'next-gen'.
The word 'troll' seems to be used in different and unclear ways, too.

Last edited by Pappenheimer; 05/28/11 11:06.